It is that time of year again. This year’s Tailgate on May 25th will be held again at the McDaniel’s Building located at 1015 Mitchell St Clovis, NM from 8AM to 4PM. This year’s Raffle Grand Prize will be a Yeasu FT-710 AESS along with some ARRL Door Prizes! Exams for the month of May…
Author: eugkelly
Spring Change to Daily NETS
We have decided to change the time of our Daily Nets to 7:30 PM Mountain time. Our club calendar has been updated with the new times. Don’t forget to update yours as well. Come join us on 443.450+ PL131.8 or 147.24+ PL67.0.
Tech Talk
Starting Thursday, March 21 at 7pm we begin a new Tech Talk at the club house, 1017 Mitchell. Main Topic-Soldering! Will be doing this Training every 1st and 3rd Thursday. The purpose is to increase our understanding of just how radio equipment and antennas work! There maybe some building projects too…If there is something you…
Testing December 16th @ 9:30am
The Eastern New Mexico Amateur Radio Club will be holding our December Testing Session on December 16, 2023 at 9:30am at the McDaniel’s Building located at 1015 Mitchell St here in Clovis, NM. Whether you are wanting to test to get your Technician License or if you are looking to upgrade your license to General…
Change of Time for Daily Nets
We have changed the time that we will be conducting our daily nets. The new time will be at 6:30 PM mountain time. Our club calendar has been updated with the new times. Don’t forget to update yours as well. Come join us on 443.450+ PL131.8 or 147.24+ PL67.0.
2023 Tailgate
We will be hosting our tailgate for 2023 on May 27th. This year our tailgate will be held at the McDaniel’s Building on Mitchell St (1015 Mitchell St) Clovis, NM. There will be several vendors with plenty of opportunity to buy/sell/trade gear. Training opportunities are in the works. Raffle tickets sold at the door with…
Library Display
We have a display in place at the Clovis-Carver Public Library in the foyer for the month of February. Stop by and check it out. The display was coordinated by Lynnette Roller.
2023 Training Activities Planned
The following is a list of training activities that have been planned for the 2023 year. These will be conducted during our monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday of the month. This post will be updated if we need to make any changes to the list. February – NVIS (Gordon), Library Display (Charles and Lynnette)…
BIG Thank You to John Burningham!!
Our club would like to give a BIG Thank You to John Burningham for his very generous donations to our club while he was living here in Clovis…he was a great contribution to our club!!! -Marty Tressell, K0BBK
May Meeting Moved
The May “meeting” training etc. has been moved from May 21st to the Tailgate where we will have the Antennas Demonstrations. The Testing date has been moved from the 21st also to the Tailgate all at the Trinity Lutheran Church! -Marty Tressell, K0BBK